New Application
When you have all documents ready to apply for a new Non-Exclusive License Agreement (NELA), visit the online portal:

Biennial Re-decal
The biennial re-decal process occurs in odd number years (e.g. 2021, 2023, etc.). Re-decal is processed online only – no walk-ins. Instructions on using the online re-decal program will be posted soon.

Add/Delete Vehicle
Each commercial vehicle must have a current permit and active LAX issued transponder affixed to the vehicle in the manner prescribed by LAWA. Vehicle permits and transponders are not transferable or assignable.
To add a vehicle:
- Complete a service request at http://lax.to/gtservicerequest.
Documents must be approved by GT staff and the operator must have:
- Active CPUC status
- Vehicle must be on the CPUC account
- Approved insurance and on the vehicle schedule
- Properly displayed TCP #s on the vehicle, as required
- All fees paid; each new transponder requires $50 use fee
To delete a vehicle:
Complete a service request at http://lax.to/gtservicerequest and return the transponder and vehicle permit decal.
Replacement permit and/or transponder
Windshield replaced? Complete a service request at http://lax.to/gtservicerequest to get the transponder replaced. Bring the old transponder and copy of the vehicle DMV registration to the appointment.

Access Fees
Courtesy accounts are invoiced monthly for each full or partial circuit of the LAX Central Terminal Area roadways.

Rules & Regulations
Operators and their drivers are responsible for knowing and abiding by the LAX Ground Transportation Rules and Regulations. Violations may result in citation and vehicle impound.