
The Development Group

Industry Partners

Building thriving communities and transforming infrastructure investment into local economic impact through quality career jobs and contracting with small, diverse businesses.

Construction Industry Leadership Alliance

K-12 students are provided with exposure and learning opportunities to inspire an interest in design, construction, and other STEAM aviation-related careers. Through a wide range of age-appropriate activities and industry partnerships.

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Small Business Roundtable​

The Small Business Roundtable, comprised of small business owners, provide feedback about LAWA policies and procedures, and to offer solutions that promote inclusion and foster economic growth. The feedback generated through these candid conversations inform LAWA’s approach to be the “Owner of Choice”.

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​HireLAX Youth Engagement Alliance​

The HireLAX Youth Engagement Alliance is comprised of industry, community and academic partners to inform, plan and execute programs, events and initiatives that increase awareness and exposure to design and construction careers. 

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LAWA Construction Industry Leadership Alliance

LAWA and the Associated General Contractors (AGC), United Contractors Association (UCON), and Southern California Contractors Association (SCCA) formed an alliance to formalize a partnership to develop good practices that further the success of the LAWA CIP and member contractors performing project work. Thirty-six (36) appointed members, including 10 LAWA representatives, will meet quarterly to develop a plan to expand partnering, improve processes, and strategically increase inclusivity and local workforce development outcomes.

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Mentor Protege Program​

The Mentor Protégé Program is designed to create a positive measurable impact for participating Los Angeles businesses by providing meaningful learning and growth opportunities to enhance the competitive capacity and core capabilities of XBE firms. All CIP-related procurements require proposers to define a Mentor Protégé Program that is specific to the project or scope of services, including cohort size and frequency; participation agreement that defines roles and responsibilities, objectives and metrics; and development of technical skills and professional development.

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ImpactLAX Contractor Academy ​

ImpactLAX unlocks the power of industry, regional, and community partnerships to accelerate the growth of mid-sized SBE firms. The Program includes a range of cross-learning opportunities spanning business and operational strategies, tools, and practices designed to accelerate the speed of success for SBE firms.​

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Capstone: Youth Community Enrichment Project​

In conjunction with the ImpactLAX Contractor Academy seminars, a capstone exercise, consisting of two to three cohorts of participants will apply business and problem-solving skills, leverage their networks, and apply creative and innovative thinking to solve a problem for an AIA school or classroom to support the advancement of underrepresented, underserved K-12 youth attending a Title 1 school.

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