
The Development Group

Youth Programs (K-12)

Building thriving communities and transforming infrastructure investment into local economic impact through quality career jobs and contracting with small, diverse businesses.

Here is a quote about how great the STEAM program is for students!

- John Smith, 16

Youth STEAM-Connect Awareness Program ​

The Youth STEAM-Connect Awareness Program is focused on Title 1 schools with a student body population comprised of 40% or above from low-income, underserved, and underrepresented families. K-12 students are provided with exposure and learning opportunities to inspire an interest in design, construction and other STEAM aviation-related careers.

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Youth Camps

The Airport Police Youth Cadet Program was established in January 2012 and is managed by the Training Unit/Youth Services under Professional Standards. The goal of the program is to help instill leadership, academic excellence, life-skills and discipline into its participants. The program also seeks to empower students into maximizing their personal, scholastic and life potential as well as providing early insight into what a career in law enforcement would be like at LAX.

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LAWA Speaker Event

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